Dansk English

Workshop - Peer feedback and Peergrade - March 4, 2020

Come and join us in a workshop where we have focus on integrating effective peer feedback in teaching activities.

Time: March 4, 2020 from 8.30 - 11.45
Place:  Meeting room Ellehammer, TEK building 42, (Ø28-600-3)


You are invited to participate in a workshop where we have focus on integrating effective peer feedback in teaching activities.

Time: Marts 4, 2020 from 8.30 - 11.45
Place:  Meeting room Ellehammer, TEK building 42, (Ø28-600-3)

Mail_100Registration: Send an e-mail to Camilla Ravn Madsen with your name and email no later than February 28, 2020

Support students’ personal and professional development with peer feedback, rubrics and the system Peergrade.

Peer feedback and rubrics can be used with all sizes of classes, types of subjects and with academic courses  as well as projects. The important thing is that you have a module or course where students can perform tasks or produce work and give each other feedback in class or in between lessons.

This workshop will give you an introduction to peer feedback and rubrics. Furthermore, you will get the opportunity to try out the system Peergrade as a student, consider how you can use peer feedback in your own teaching and set up activities in Peegrade.

In addition, you will learn how peer feedback and Peergrade is used by colleagues at the Faculty of Engineering.

Peer feedback enhances students’ learning since it helps students focus their attention on the assessment criteria of a given assignment and on the characteristics of good and not so good performances. Peer feedback inspires and helps students develop because a student must give feedback on the strategies for handling assignments that other students have employed and the results they have arrived at. Following this, the student will look at his/her own assignment in a new light and with a keener sense of the criteria. Furthermore, peer feedback makes it possible to integrate feedback into your teaching without an additional workload for yourself. In order for peer feedback to be successful, you need to plan the activity carefully and design a rubric, a feedback tool, which provides an overview of the assessment criteria and describes the characteristics of different levels of performance from unacceptable (beginner) to excellent (expert). In addition, you will need a system such as Peergrade that can handle the logistics of submitting assignments and distributing these for peer feedback.

WWW_100If you want to know more about peer feedback, rubrics and Peergrade, you can study the resources below and/or participate in SDU-UP course Peer feedback, assessment and Peergrade:

PDF_100Newsletter on peer feedback and Peergrade from The SDU Centre for Teaching and Learning: April 2019: In Danish and in English.

PDF_100Panadero, E., Jonsson, A. & Strijbos, J.-W. (2016). Scaffolding self-regulated learning through self-assessment and peer assessment: Guidelines for classroom implementation. Paper prensented at Assessment for learning: Meeting the challenge of implementation.

PDF_100Andrade, H. G. (2005). Teaching With Rubrics: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. College Teaching, 53(1), 27-31. doi:10.3200/CTCH.53.1.27-31.

Further information.

Point_F_100At the workshop you must bring your own laptop as there will bee some hands one activities.

PDF_100Before the workshop you should read the attached file “ Assessment Matters: Self-Assessment and Peer Assessment
