Dansk English

Toolbox - Teaching Portfolio

Teaching Portfolio - TEK


The teaching portfolio is used in connection with internal and external communication of individual and institutional pedagogical competencies, for use in institutional accreditation, MUS (MedarbejderUdviklingsSamtale, performance and development review) and job applications.

PDF_100The requirements for teaching portfolio is described in SDU's policy for University Education - section 4.1.2:


PDF_100All permanently employed lecturers have a teaching portfolio documenting their teaching competencies and development thereof. This applies to employees in level A-C, see the pedagogical competence profile. (only in Danish)

TEK's requirements:

The Teaching CV is published in PURE under “CV” and is referred to as Teaching CV.

At TEK, it has been decided that the following must be included in the published PURE CV:

  1. Pedagogical view: Educational practice - Basis / values
  2. Teaching experience
  3. Formal pedagogical training
  4. Other activities related to teaching and teaching development

As an inspirational tool for the work with the Teaching Portfolio, reference is made to the portfolio model that has been prepared in collaboration with other Danish Engineering Education institutions:

PDF_100UVP model in English



 UVP model in Danish

Guidance and referencies:

WWW_100The library has prepared a guide for creating a teaching CV in PURE


PDF_100Direct link to PDF version of PURE guide


WWW_100SDU Centre for Teaching and Learning's webpage about teaching portfolio