Dansk English

Toolbox - Teaching large classes

Active_teach_100Activating teaching

Active_student_100Active students


Feedback on learning

Samarbejde_100Collaboration, Communication and relationsships

Toolbox for  "Teaching large classes"

Activ_Teach_200 Tools supporting the principle "Activating teaching".


WWW_100Prezi: Dynamic presentations

WWW_100Interaktive whiteboards: Ongoing and custom notes

WWW_100Powerpoint: Ability to incorporate Poll Everywhere


Conversation, reflection, questions, problem solving and discussion

PDF_100Think-pair-share: Individual reflection, pair discussion and shared sharing of points.

Word_100One-minute-paper: Limited time for individual written reflection.

Void_100Mini Tests: Small academic tests, for example, last week's topic.

Void_100Learning Support Handouts: Handouts that enable and facilitate learning.

PDF_100Student response systems: Answers from all students at once eg polling questions.

WWW_100Other: Concept Cards, Peer discussion, Cases, Padlet.


WWW_100SDUUP has developed VIB - "Tool for implementing the underlying principle of education". The tool is described on SDU Centre for Teaching and Learning website.

 Active_200 Tools to support the principle of "Active student".

Subject material

WWW_100Introduction videoes

WWW_100Instruction videoes (method)

WWW_100Interactive videoes

Void_100e-books with interactive elements, such as flash cards.

Conversation, reflection, questions, problem solving and discussion

WWW_100Blog (da)

WWW_100Online writing with peer feedback

PDF_100Readiness assurance tests (part of the Team-based Learning model)

WWW_100Test, Minitest

Void_100Online preparation assignments


WWW_100Discussion forums

Feedback_200 Tools supporting the principle "Feedback on learning."

All types of feedback

PDF_100Rubrics (da) is a useful feedback tool, regardless of who provides feedback. Rubrics clarifies in schematic form the expected parts of the assignment and divides what must be fulfilled in order for an answer to be unacceptable, acceptable or above expectations. Thus, rubrics can be used to balance expectations with students, as a guideline for assessing students assignments and as the alignment of different assessors' assessment of assignments.

Generel feedback

WWW_100Interactive videoes (da)

WWW_100Videoes with generel feedback

Feedback from instructors

WWW_100Indicative solutions (VUF example 7, 8 & 14)

Peer feedback

PDF_100Peer feedback (eg in Blackboard or Peergrade)


WWW_100E-tests with built-in feedback/response (VUF example 14)

WWW_100Portfolio (VUF example 8 & 21(only in Danish))

Samarbejde_200 Tools to support the principle of "Cooperation, communication and relationships".


Void_100Discussion boards

WWW_100Peer discussions: SDUUP Newsletters  "Peer feedback og Peergrade" and "Free and open online tools: Padlet, Google Docs and Prezi"

WWW_100Peer instruction

Void_100Group submissions

PDF_100Blended Learning